Get more high-ticket leads, calls and clients.

Seriously high-quality performance focused lead generation marketing services for folks selling high-ticket products, programs and services over sales calls.

Better results from less

Everything you need in one place, not all over the place.

Funnel Building

Funnel Building

Plan, build and launch new money making machines.

Conversion Optimisation

Conversion rate optimise your entire process to make more with less.

Ad management

Blow up your lead and sales flow with Meta & Google Ads.

Recent work

Pixel-perfect and nothing less.

'He's top of the food chain when it comes to funnel design and conversion optimisation"

"Words are good, but putting your money where your mouth is a completely different thing. We ended up retaining him to redo all of our funnel design and strategy and even brought him on our team to help with our own clients training and implementation. I can't speak more highly of Chris and the work he does."

Nicholas Kusmich

The Marketers Council

'He's top of the food chain when it comes to funnel design and conversion optimisation"

"Words are good, but putting your money where your mouth is a completely different thing. We ended up retaining him to redo all of our funnel design and strategy and even brought him on our team to help with our own clients training and implementation. I can't speak more highly of Chris and the work he does."

Nicholas Kusmich

The Marketers Council

"Chris has been instrumental in building an incredible lead generation machine"

"I can honestly say he has gone above and beyond his normal work scope and done some amazing work on our strategies. He's been invaluable in the growth of our business we are super clear on all our analytics which enables us to scale and grow."

Dylan Rickit

The Laughing Pug Coffee Co.

Built with the platforms you already use and love

Results come standard

There's a long list of awards, accolades and screenshot-worthy results - but honestly, that doesn't mean shit.

What does is the fact that this business is built on the back of doing amazing work with cool people, with max effort to ensure every project is a win.

While nothing in marketing is guaranteed, if we're not collectively blown away with the results we'll keep going until we are, even if we have to start from scratch.

Front to back(end)

The work doesn't just stop with slick design.

We'll make sure your back end systems, automations and analytic are as neat and tidy as your new frontend.

Now to wow in 3 steps.

Get started

Kickoff by uncovering any and all areas of opportunity that can shift the needle immediately.

Build and optimise

Roll out new funnels or optimise what you've got for maximum conversions from click to close.

Scale and repeat

Continually find wins that compound over time, unlocking profitable growth with paid ad management.

Ready to rock? Let's chat

Use the calendar below to grab a time that works.

Hey, I'm Chris

A leadgen specialist hell-bent on stripping back the typical marketing BS and helping other straight shooters sell more stuff.

Over the last decade I've built several multi-million dollar funnels and generated over +$60m for my clients.

Everything I do revolves around quality over quantity, which is why I run a 'business of one', to work on deeper levels with a small handful of people.

Wanna see how? Grab a time that works.

Word on the street

Hear why hundreds of coaches and consultants have used my systems to add millions of dollars in revenue.

“I've been in this industry a long time and the work he did blew our numbers out of the water”


Nicholas Kusmich

The Council | Marketing Coach

"Chris's work is impeccable. Problem solving, brilliant. Ability to identify holes, excellent.”


Adam Sowden

Financial Marketing Coach

“After one call, Chris re packaged my IP in ways that screamed value and intrigue.”


Jonathan Creek

Virable | Video Coach

"Chris has been exceptional in mapping out and designing our marketing, right through from avatar, scripting, funnels & lead magnets.”


Simon Chin

Flowstate | Email Marketing

"Chris has been instrumental in not only helping develop our strategy but also in creating an execution plan that was implemented flawlessly"


Carl Rigoni

SixSix | App Development

"Chris is my go-to guy for design. I just want to say thank you for all that you do, your work is excellent."


Nick Unsworth

Life On Fire | Life Coach

"He's 100% committed to my brand and are genuinely excited to see my business succeed. And the results speak for themselves!"


Lauren Siliato

Moolk | Feedwear Brand

"The best we've worked with! Hands down. An incredible way of understanding your product & creating high converting pages."


Run Samarakoon

Cosmetic Avenue | Clinic

Questions & answers

Are you an agency with an offshore team?

Nope, and that's why people love working together.

I proudly run a business of one, meaning you deal with one person (me) from A→Z. This also means I work with a very small number of folks at a time and often have a waitlist.

Some people prefer to work with larger teams with more chefs in the kitchen, I prefer the other direction where one person is across (and equally invested in) everything.

Specialist vs. generalist?

The work I do falls across 3 major roles. Funnel/page building, conversion rate optimisation and ad management. Typically, these are 3 entirely different roles that cost thousands of dollars each to hire (and then you have to manage them as well).

The benefit of a specialist (like yours truly) is that you're essentially covering all three of these roles for the price of one - and - it's more collaboration over micro management.

Who do you love working with?

I do my best work with coaches, consultants, and service providers. AKA most people who generate leads to sell high-ticket products or programs or services with sales calls.

I will not touch "triangle of opportunity" businesses or affiliate stuff with a 10ft pole.

What services are included?

I'm known for (really f*cking good at) stuff like:

- Building lead generation funnels & systems
- Split testing & conversion rate optimisation
- Managing and scaling Meta & Google Paid Ads
- Copywriting for all of the above
- Streamlining and automating tech like CRMs and workflows.

What work we do together ultimately is determined by what you need most - or what's going to shift the needle the most.

How much do you charge?

For single projects, like landing pages and redesigns will start around $2K > $4K, larger lead generation systems falling between $14K > $16K.

Conversion rate optimisation and ad management are billed as monthly payments around the $5K/month range.

What software do / can you use?

I try use the platforms you already have with the most experience using platforms like Highlevel, Clickfunnels, Unbounce, Kajabi etc. and CRM's such as ActiveCampaign, Mailchimp, Keap, Hubspot and more.

If you're not married to software, I typically recommend (and provide) HighLevel.

This houses everything from funnels, automations, calendars, pipelines, lead nurture and for most people, this replaces ClickFunnels, ActiveCampaign, Calendly etc...

Get more from less.

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Trading as Lead Republic Pty Ltd | ACN: 632 790 713Trading as Lead Republic Pty Ltd | ACN: 632 790 713